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Passing Along Proper Husbandry
Do you know who bred your
poison dart frogs ?
Do you know how old they are?
Do you know lineage information?

What is “FootPrints”
“FootPrints” is a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) data base for Fern's Frogs captive bred poison dart frogs. This UUID is assigned once they are out of water and leave our care. Each and every dart frog bred at Fern's Frogs since 2014 has assigned a UUID. To protect against replication of this card, there are ‘identifiers’ encoded in the UUID that are impossible to reproduce.
More about Fern’s Frogs “FootPrints” card:
Additional information such as species and out of water dates will be stored be within the UUID and stored in our database. A handwritten card with this UUID is available for each dart frog transfer of care or purchase. Each card will have enough space on the reverse side to keep track of line, breeder information, purchase date and eventually sex of the dart frog if not known at the time the transfer of care takes place.
The purpose of using this UUID is merely to maintain Fern’s Frogs offspring and lineage information. When breeding, keeping such information is believed to be a minimum responsibility. Our UUID represents a mark of origin, and a guarantee of captive breeding. In our database, the UUID is attached to the lineage information of the parents and will facilitate the process of storing this information in an accurate automated way for Fern's Frogs then passing it along to a buyer.
Frog ONLY information:
Detailed lineage information regarding our breeders is always available for each species in our current collection producing offspring. The UUID does not contain personal information on the card or in our database. Our database is not public. Its purpose is an effort to track the FROG (not the buyer) . The information can be passed along for future use such as when the frog is bred or if the frog’s care changes hands again.
How to obtain additional information regarding the UUID on a “FootPrints” card:
Its’ simple - contact us: here
The ‘passing of the card’ and /or its information:
Hopefully, this will foster this same appropriate action with other poison dart frog breeders.
Our goal is to instill an awareness of these essential and minimal responsibilities thus promoting the continued need for mentoring proper husbandry for poison dart frogs bred in captivity. This card contains the very basic information
that should be requested when purchasing any poison dart frog.

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